Manage the Perception of Project Success

Dr. Anton Pussep

Project Manager


Executives and project managers will generally be interested in seeing their projects being a success. However, a project is rarely either a perfect success story or failure. There is often room for interpretation, resulting in the risk of your project being deemed as less successful or even failure when it is not. This also poses a threat to organisations that want to pursue and learn from the successful projects in their portfolios.

In order to avoid an improper perception of your project’s success, you must be aware of the uncertainty regarding project success and manage it. Uncertainty arises and can be managed along multiple dimensions: baselines, processes, and benefits. This chapter introduces the dimensions, the sources of uncertainty, and a mental framework with techniques on how to manage the perception of your project’s success.

Perception of Project Success: Same Thing, but Different Opinions

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How to cite this chapter:


Pussep, Anton (2020). Manage the Perception of Project Success. In T. Endress (Ed.), Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change (pp. 1-123). Hamburg: Tredition.


Pussep, Anton. “Manage the Perception of Project Success.” In Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change. edited by Tobias Endress, 24-34. Hamburg: Tredition, 2020.


A. Pussep, “Manage the Perception of Project Success,” Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change, Hamburg: Tredition, 2020, pp. 24-36.


Pussep, Anton. “Manage the Perception of Project Success.” Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change, edited by Tobias Endress, Tredition, 2020, pp. 24-36.


Anton Pussep, ‘Manage the Perception of Project Success’, in Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change, ed. by T. Endress (Hamburg: Tredition, 2020), pp. 24-36.


Anton Pussep, “Manage the Perception of Project Success,” in Digital Project Practice: Managing Innovation and Change, ed. Tobias Endress (Hamburg: Tredition, 2020), 24-36.